Easy and Effective Ways to Learn From Your Mistakes

Easy and Effective Ways to Learn From Your Mistakes

December 6, 2019

No one in life wants to make a mistake. The act of making a mistake might be seen as a failure. If one can learn to grow personally or financially from these blunders, they will achieve what 95% of others have not done. When people make a mistake, they try to justify their actions so that it did not look like one. They will beat around the bush until the mistake is forgotten and they will never learn from it.

There has been so much discussion about how important making mistakes or errors are, in terms of our personal growth and/ or development. However, the reality is that making a mistake doesn’t help us any, until and unless we learn something substantive from them, and that empowers us by helping us avoid repeating making the same ones over and over again! Therefore, it is important to recognize that merely under – achieving or proceeding in error, achieves little of significance, unless we dedicate ourselves to gaining something important, and thus learning from our MISTAKES, in order to become better in some personal or professional aspects.

a) Ask yourself what something really and truly means. What might be most meaningful to becoming better, and how might we best measure how well we perform or function?

b) We only become better when we enhance our ability to understand and develop significant ideas. We must learn to transform what we intake from our experiences to develop and improve our ideology. Are you capable of, and willing to institute those changes that will make you better in significant areas?

c) Making a mistake is helpful when that experience teaches you a lesson, and thus strengthen you, so that you are more capable of seeing both the big picture, as well as recognizing potential obstacles, and being prepared to take contingency actions.

d) Transform that training into excellence when you learn the techniques that best suit you and the situation. Doing so should aim you towards a personal triumph of seeking quality and improvement, rather than merely settling for good – enough.

e) When our experiences help us achieve better results and/ or mindset by adding our enhanced aptitude to the utmost positive can – do attitude, we put ourselves in the finest position to pay attention to the details and necessities of personal development and growth!

f) Do you commit to continue to grow personally daily, in order to become as knowledgeable as you can become? Do you use that knowledge to keep the qualities, information, techniques, etc., within you, and readily available to access seamlessly?

g) What are the principle concepts and approaches that you will readily employ in the future? Do they make you more capable to execute better, and enhance the quality of everything you do?

h) Try to avoid getting fixated on minutia, or sweating the petty stuff. Prioritize the items and information that are most serviceable and enhance your sustainability.

The most important aspect of making a mistake is admitting to it. If the mistake only affects you, make sure that you are well aware of what you did and document it. If the mistake has affected others, confess to the mistake and talk about what could have been done to avoid it. You should also document this as well.

Here are some easy ways to learn from your mistakes.

a) Identification. You have to identify what the mistake actually was. If it is obvious, this will not be a problem. If you do not know why something went wrong, get some help from others to get their perspective. Once you have identified the problem, document it and design a course of action or actions that you can take to avoid it in the future.

b) Admittance. Once you have identified your mistakes, make sure that you admit that you made them. Denying a mistake will only suppress it for a short time and it will eventually return usually with a far greater impact than it did the first time. Admit to others that you have made the mistake and that you are not perfect. This act will greatly enhance your bond with them and they will want to help out in any way that they can.

c) Documentation. Create a separate journal that you can list out your mistakes and the courses of action that you have planned or implemented to not let them happen again. Label this journal or folder as “mistakes” and have it readily available so that you can review it often. When reviewing your mistakes, you will find that there are actions that you have taken that will help with any other problems that you may be encountering.

d) Implementation. Implement your new found learning into your day to day activities. Apply what you have learned about identifying, admitting and the documentation of these. Make use of the actions that you took in approaching new and different tasks, and you will be amazed at the difference it will make. Show others what you have done and teach them your simple tactic.

Mistakes in life are inevitable. We have all made them and we will continue to make them.The only people who never make any mistakes are those who never attempt to do anything, and thus they nearly always automatically fail! However, the differentiation between quality and disappointment is whether those errors teach you lessons that make you better and more responsive in the future.

If you can learn from these mistakes and share your vision with others, the world will be a better place.

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